
fredag den 31. august 2012

Foodie penpal - August

This post is in English.
I've joined the Foodie Penpal, where you send a box of food items to one person and another sends you a box.
My Foodie Penpal this month was Jade Mellor of Wild Pickings. She send me this wonderful box of edible flowers. I can't wait to the ingredients out.

The box contained wild Flower Tea.
This tea is super good.
Rosehip Syrup and Rose Petal Vineger.
Dried Rose Petals
I sprinkeld thes on my rosen cupcakes 

Sugared Primroses.

2 kommentarer:

  1. What a beautiful package of food with intriguing items to try! (Visiting from Foodie Penpals.)

  2. Jade's parcels are always so beautiful, I love the hand-picked theme.
